ESIP has rich ontologies and semantic technologies for the Earth Sciences, however the space sciences are increasingly inextricable from advancing the science in our community. There is a marked lack of semantic technology maturity to integrate the space-based perspective. We launched a new initiative to address one of the vital components of improving semantic technologies in the space sciences: glossary harmonization. We describe those efforts, including important artifacts that reach all of ESIP: new approaches for cultivating collective virtual collaboration and curricular materials for performing glossary harmonization. Finally, we will discuss the role this work plays in broader activities, including: 1) the NASA Heliophysics KNOWledge (Helio-KNOW) project; 2) the NASA Center for HelioAnalytics; and 3) the notion of an Earth and Space Science Knowledge Commons. This presentation was given during the 2022 ESIP January meeting held virtually in January 2022.
This work was in part based on a FUNding Friday grant provided by the ESIP Community with support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the United States Geologic Survey (USGS)
R. McGranaghan was partially supported in this work by the NASA Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW) Early Career Investigator Program project (Grant Number 80NSSC21K0622)
R. McGranaghan was partially supported in this work by the NASA Center for HelioAnalytics (CfHA) project (funded by NASA ISFM Program)