SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding STARE-enabled Event-Based Analysis Using STARE-PODS Concepts
Virtual poster presentation for NASA ESDSWG 2022 meeting. The major challenge of harmonizing diverse Earth Science data (ESD), i.e. Swath, Grid, and Point data, at scale led to the development of the SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding (STARE), supported by ACCESS-17. In this poster presentation, we describe a follow-on effort using approaches from the STARE Parallel Optimized Data Store (PODS) concept to create a database of precipitation events identified using Connected Component Labeling (CCL) from one month of IMERG gridded data. The spatiotemporal extent of these events can be used to select data from IMERG or our STARE-based XCAL database featuring a month's worth of swath data from 18 satellite-borne microwave radiometers/imagers from the GPM era, including AMSR2, ATMS, GMI, MHS, SSMIS, etc, featuring a wide range of spatial layouts and resolutions. Harmonizing data with STARE enables straightforward statistical and other analyses of these events, integrating diverse data using scalable, parallel computation. This presentation was given at the 2022 NASA ESDSWG Meeting (April 19-21, 2022).