
Cruise Data Reciprocal Linking Between SAMON and R2R

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posted on 2019-02-06, 15:03 authored by Jocelyn Elya, Shawn R. Smith, Homer McMillan, Dru Clark, Suzanne O'Hara
The Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) program provides US academic fleet-wide management of underway data to ensure preservation of, and access to, out national oceanographic research assets. Assessment of underway meteorological data within R2R is implemented in near-real time in partnership with the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) initiative. The SAMOS Initiative has been collecting, quality-evaluating, distributing, and archiving underway meteorological and oceanographic observations since 2015. To connect near-real time SAMOS data to cruises defined in the R2R cruise catalog and their relevant data and products, an automated reciprocal linking system is established between the two programs to provide URLs to their respective data download web pages. This reciprocal linking allows for SAMOS data to be organized and searched by cruise, improving the discoverability and usability of the data. On R2R's end, the linking provides users easy access to quality-evaluated data and metadata that are relevant to select cruises. This poster was presented at the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Winter Meeting in January 2019.
