
Preparing for the CoreTrustSeal - Insights and Lessons Learned

posted on 2018-07-26, 15:43 authored by Robert DownsRobert Downs, Chung-Yi (Sophie) HouChung-Yi (Sophie) Hou, Lisa Johnston, Douglas Schuster, Roger Weaver
As part of a coalition convened by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and also in collaboration with the Research Data Alliance, ESIP is fostering capabilities to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) by contributing to the Enabling FAIR Data project. Among many key contributors and stakeholders of the effort, data repositories and their capabilities are vital to enable and facilitate the FAIR principles as developed by

In order to understand the data repositories’ services and their maturity levels, there are several options for assessing a data repository, and one possibility that is being considered by the Enabling FAIR Data project is the CoreTrustSeal. While the CoreTrustSeal has provided guidelines and tutorials regarding the assessment process, a data repository might still have questions regarding the best approach in evaluating its services per the CoreTrustSeal requirements.

During this session, the speakers will present their experiences to advise potential or would-be CoreTrustSeal applicants on several key areas including licensing, ethical norms, funding and preservation level. The speakers will also interact with the audience to answer any additional questions or concerns that the audience might have.

Session Agenda:
  1. Introduction - Sophie Hou and Doug Schuster (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
  2. Presentations:
    • Lisa Johnston – University of Minnesota
    • Roger Weaver – Missouri University of Science and Technology
    • Bob Downs – CIESIN-SEDAC, Columbia University
  3. Discussion/Q&As
  4. Next steps


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