
ESIP 2017 EnviroSensing Cluster Session on Tools and Strategies for End-to-End Sensor Data Management

posted on 2017-07-28, 17:11 authored by Mike Botts, Mike Daniels, Wade SheldonWade Sheldon, Matthew Bartos
The low cost and ubiquity of electronic sensors and increasingly practical options for setting up sensor networks have revolutionized environmental science. Emerging standards and web services for accessing sensor data and tasking sensors via the internet are further accelerating this trend. Investigators can now acquire vast amounts of sensor data as they conduct their research, but efficiently managing, documenting and quality-controlling those data and submitting them to a suitable repository is still problematic for many. This breakout session will focus on practical software tools and cloud-based services for establishing an end-to-end sensor data management strategy. It will include four or five presentations on new cloud-based services for acquiring sensor data (e.g. CHORDS, OpenSensorHub), code libraries for documenting and quality-controlling data using common software frameworks (e.g. MATLAB, R), and options for automating submission of sensor data to repositories (e.g. EDI, other DataONE nodes). This session will also be coordinated with a panel discussion on sensor data standards and tool development needs for fully enabling end-to-end sensor data management.
